When people are young, they usually spend lot of time with their friends. But as they grow old, they have other responsibilities and the time spent with friends gets reduced. But this is not the case with the people in this story. They have built their small houses next to each other. The idea is to live close with their friends and have fun. Actually they choose their neighbors by themselves. They set up a 1,500 square foot community building. Houses are with modern design, meeting the needs of the owners. The price tag for each house is under $40.000. And all of the materials are sustainable and environmentally friendly. They bought a piece of land on the Llano River in Texas, close to Austin. The first idea was to build one large house but this way turned out to great.
The friends visit this place and spend time there as often as they can. Also they all plan to retire on the property.

More info: Garden and gun
Where can I get the house plans? It looks like a cool house. Thx
like this idea
I’m thrilled! What better plac e to grow old?
I’m in!!
Best wishes to them
Wonderful idea! I have forwarded this to my friends!
So cool!
I love the idea and planning.
The interior is perfect.
What a lovely idea
A great idea.
Great idea. Glad someone has built one to learn from. It looks suitable for a group of rough and ready guys without too many cosy comforts that make a shed a more homelike. The tension filled music in the video highlighting the bare plywood features really underscores the shelter-built-in-hurry vibe. Its a good idea overall. Needs some improving upon, but a nice way to start a prototype of a concept moving forward. Thank you for posting and sharing (sincerely).
hello really like this house how may i get a plan of it?
I love this idea too.
Love it and hopefully we can have communities of little houses down here in Australia!!!
Yes, I agree. Lovely idea! But I would like our tiny house to be a little more homey..
Love it! So, the photo on the wall in the bathroom at 1:00 looked a little “different”. Did anyone else catch this? Really nice idea and well designed tiny homes.
Love these tiny homes
Very nice and great idea. Love this.
Love this plan.. How do I get one.
Yes, I did see that . Good eye !