Disregard the listing price. To be sold at auction. It’s the starting bid. Located in Mechanicsburg, PA: Parcel 1 – 3.92 acres (parcel 1), parcel 2 – 1.28 acres, parcel 3 – 1.26 acres, parcel 4 – 0.97 acres. On parcel 1 there is a spacious house from 1910 comprising three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, basement, kitchen, living room, laundry room and 2,660 sq ft. Hot water heating with baseboards. Deck and covered front porch as part of the exterior. The lot offers a bank barn, detached garage and pole shed. There is connected electricity (200 amp service), on-site septic and well.
If you need more info contact the listing agent from the Zillow link below the photos.

Listed on Zillow