Vitaminwater, an enhanced water company has launched a contest that challenges entrants to give up their smartphones and tables for an entire year. In today’s age this seems like a very hard thing to do but the company is making it worth your while by offering a $100.000 prize.
The challenge called #nophoneforayear requires people who enter to give up using their smartphones for a whole year. They have to give up their phones and also agree not to use another’s phone or tablet. You have to sign a contract committing yourself to the challenge and if you are found to have adhered to all the rules you will get $100,000 in cash. It might sound easy on paper but you have to convince them that you are up for the task.
Entering the contest you have to do a photo on Twitter telling them the reason why you need a break from your smartphone and use the hashtages #nophoneforayear and #contest. The entries will be judged based on creativity, brand relevance, humor and quality. The selected participant will be selected on the 22th of July.

It should be noted that the person won’t go completely phone free. The company will provide them with a “1996 era mobile phone” along with a voice communication only monthly plan.
Vitaminwater confirmed that this is not some elaborate prank and the brand manager Natalia Suarez told CNBC that it’s just a unique and interesting way to challenge people to do something fun.
“We don’t think there’s anything more boring than mindlessly scrolling through your phone, and this is an opportunity to take that stance against routine and give someone $100,000 to do something uniquely awesome with their time,” Suarez said.
You must be wondering how the company plans to check if you haven’t used your phone in a year. The complete requirements and list of rules hasn’t been released yet but they mentioned that the chosen one will have to undergo a lie detector test before they will be given the big prize.
Everybody checks their smartphone today, multiple times in fact. So it is going to be really hard to go without one for a whole year therefore Vitaminwater is also offering a consolation prize of $10,000 if the chosen person lasts 6 months without smartphone use.
Oh and lastly, if you wonder what they think is a smartphone Vitaminwater said: “if texting is a pleasant experience or you can get on the internet, it’s probably a smartphone”.