When you arrive there’s no running water, no central heating and most definitely no supermarket nearby.
The people have decided to leave modern life and become one with nature abandoning the rat race.
Going to the Carpathians and The Pyrenees, these people have ditched modern life and all its benefits and live off the grid.
Antoine Bruy
Antoine Bruy, a French photographer spent years travelling around Europe documenting the lives of these men, women and children who are living on their own organic farms in nature.
Antoine Bruy
Antoine Bruy, a French photographer spent years travelling around Europe documenting the lives of these men, women and children who are living on their own organic farms in nature.
Antoine Bruy
He said: ‘Since 2010, I travelled throughout Europe to meet men and women who made the radical choice to live away from cities, willing to abandon their lifestyle based on performance, efficiency and consumption.
Antoine Bruy
‘The people and places depicted in my pictures display various fates which I think, should not only be seen at a political level, but more importantly as daily and immediate experiences.
Antoine Bruy
‘These are in some ways, spontaneous responses to the societies these men and women have left behind.’
To increase his trust with these people, Mr Bruy signed up to a movement that connects volunteers with these farmers and then they stay with the for months at a time.
He said: ‘I give them a hand for different kind of tasks, like growing vegetables, fixing a roof, building a straw bale house or taking care of animals if they have some.
‘This time allows me, somehow, to connect to the land, understand the way it works, and know the people I’m living with.