We are told to treat our body like it’s a temple, that we have only one and that we should care for it and use it wisely, this is a microscopic example of the bigger picture about our planet. We only have one earth as we do have one body, we should take care of…
Billionaire Intends To Buy 15% Of The Planet To Protect It
When last month over a billion dollars were donated for the restoration work on the Notre Dame, many people asked the question why aren’t such big amounts of money used for things like homelessness or the environment. It’s is a rare thing to see such big sums being used for nature, yet something it does…
Family Of 3 Shares Their Story Of Living In A Tiny Off-Grid Cabin
“I have a suspicion that this is actually the blueprint, and there is something, when people get to it, everybody would want to live this way, but it might be a really long journey for some folks to get to that knowing.” – Tom Nicholson This is a tale of two people, Tom and Sarah. Tom is…
Apocalypse-Ready Cabin Built on Top of Missile Silo Is For Sale In NY
When the zombie apocalypse hits, I know exactly the place I’ll be going to. What was in the past a missile silo and looks today like an ordinary cabin is actually a heavily fortified bunker that can shelter you from any disaster than befalls the surface. Doomsday Preppers dream about things like these. Although the…
The Story Of One Man Building A Dream Cabin For His Bride
Unplugging for society is something that is becoming more and more popular. Maybe part of the reason is that we live in a world in which we can’t survive without our phones, our entertainment and luxury of simply flicking a switch for that which we need like light, water, heat and many other things. Yet…
Man Builds Fairy Tale Home for His Family – Total Cost £3,000
Simon west, a family man from Wales with a big interest in self-sustainability and an ecological awareness managed to dig out and build his own home and it is one of the loveliest, warmest, most inviting homes you could ever imagine. He did this for only $4,700 USD. The entrance couldn’t be more charming than…
How To Build A $50 Greenhouse In Your Yard – Free Plans
In today’s world the mainstream idea of producing food is getting further and further away from the way it is done in nature. Maybe we should start becoming more self-reliant and start growing our own food. Even if we go and buy fully organic from the supermarket, we pay a premium and we stall can’t…
This Is The Pallet Emergency Shelter, It Can Be Built In One Day
The folks over at i-Beam design created this ingenious design. A house plan that only uses commonly available materials and designed to be built by people that don’t even have construction experience. i-beam Design The whole house can be built in a day. i-beam Design Also it’s upgradable with stuff like insulation, AC, smoke detectors…
1.5 Million Volunteers Broke Guinness World Record By Planting 66 Million Trees In 12 Hours
A new world Guinness world record was set in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh after more than 1.5 million volunteers planted 66 million tree saplings in a time period of 12 hours. This planting beat the previous record which was set in the state of Uttar Pradesh when 800,000 people planted 50 million trees…
Japan is Giving Away 8 Millions Abandoned Homes for Free – Here’s How to Get Yours
If you ever wanted to live in a big home in Japan, you are in luck. Japan has more than 8 million abandoned or vacant houses and the government is making efforts to populate the houses that have been left empty. Abandoned houses are difficult to manage for owners and they also might not want…