Using only scavenged materials, Mr Lawler managed to build this miniature house for the amazing sum of $150 and it took him only a week to complete.
The tiny home has a tin roof with a chimney, a stained glass window and a post box that shows the car’s registration plate. “There’s a lot of boring camper vans out there. I thought this would be a little bit more quaint and Australiana with a rusted tin roof,” Mr Lawler said.
Mitch Bear
It’s just unfortunate that he got fined by the police. They said that they deemed his vehicle “unroadworthy”. This hasn’t stopped Lawler, who plans to take apart this caravan and build something even bigger and better. It’s a very interesting and unique sight and his sense of ingenuity and humor is admirable. One does wonder though what this will do to his car’s drag coefficient.