In today’s world the mainstream idea of producing food is getting further and further away from the way it is done in nature. Maybe we should start becoming more self-reliant and start growing our own food.
Even if we go and buy fully organic from the supermarket, we pay a premium and we stall can’t be sure about where the food is coming from. Also, the organic food we buy probably has travelled many miles before it reaches our table effectively loosing part of its nutritional value. We are not helping the environment with this method of transporting our food and it is a very unsustainable way to do things.
So one of the simplest things we can do is simply grow our own food. A great option is to construct a hoop house green house. On the plans below there is information on how to build a 11 feet wide, 15 feet long and 7.5 tall greenhouse. You don’t have to build it by these measurements exactly, you can always make it smaller or bigger and the cost of it will be around 50$ to 200$. Not expensive considering the healthy and fresh food you will be producing.
Get the full plans for free here: